Friday, September 26, 2008

nape slalo sgt...

hari nie...ak mbace ssuatu yg x sptutnye ak bce...n x spatutnye ak amek tau...coz tiada kaitan pn ant. ak dn dia...
hati ak rase sebak sgt...teramat sgt...ak bpura2 gembira dn menampakkn sprti tiada ape yg blaku...
nape sush sgt kte nk disygi oleh org yg kte syg...
sush kn...sush...yg dpt tue...hargai lah...
npe kdg2 kte dh setia...kte dh npe dy enggan berbuat yg same...
ak slalo kne mcm nie...n ak dh tkut nk bhrap lg...
walo ak cube x bleh...kdg2 ak yg x bleh...kdg2 ak dcari semula dn ak xdpt nk elak...
ak slalo trtnye2..mcm mne kte nk tau...se2org itu jujur pd kite..
ikhlas dgn kite...syg kte...x tipu kte...x permainkn kite...
bagaimana ek?
kali nie...ak terkene lg...haih...kkdg mmg ak ckp ak dh x sngup nk hadapi semua ak kalah...ak ttp menerima ia dtg n ak ttp mencari...nape ek...
x ke ak rase yg ak sgt kejam terhdp dri ak sndri...
ntahla...ak dh xtau nk wat cmner lg dh...
ak buntu...ak sndri x phm dri ak...
nape sume bnde nie blaku kt ak...
tlgla Tuhan...hentikn sume nie...hentikn permainan nie sumenye...
tonjolkn yg benar...dan jalan yg sptutnye ak ambil Ya Allah...
aku hanya manusia yg lemah...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

dedicated diz sum1...


I woke up kinda early today
And something told me from that moment
It wouldn't be the same
It felt like you were hiding something
But I didn't push it
I didn't complain or say nothin
I tried to act like I didn't see it
Cause deep down I knew I didn't want to believe it

But there it was, it was you and her
You left your sidekick on the nightstand
And I read

Everything you did, and everything you said and
And now I'm standing here looking like damn..
I thought it was you and I
Now all I got to say is why?

After all of these times that we've tried
I found out we were living a lie
And after all of this love that we made
I know now you don't love me the same

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldnt be that man I adored
You dont seem to know, dont seem to care what your heart is for
But I dont know him anymore
Theres nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
Thats whats going on, nothings fine Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Youre a little late, Im already torn